

Archive for Mood

Méfiez-vous des imitations [fr] (posted by Fabien Villard)

Le Praxeme Institute respecte quelques principes forts dans ses travaux et Praxeme est l’expression même de ces principes. Au coeur de notre reflexion est la rigueur. Certains pourront trouver à redire à cette ambition qui peut être perçue comme désuète et old fashion. Ce serait oublier que nos systèmes aujourd’hui sont souvent au point de [...]

The Unfinished Conversation Concept in Maemo 5 (posted by Fabien Villard)

Maemo 5 Maemo is the framework used in Nokia Internet tablets since the N770, and today in the N900 phone which combines a cellular phone and an Internet tablet. Though I’m very found of this little thing that starts to look like the Star Trek communicator I wanted when I was a kid (except for [...]

DNA evidence (posted by Fabien Villard)

Often people ask me why I don’t like the use of DNA and other biological markers as identities. My answer can be expressed in two points: Biometric data cannot be repudiated. If your biometrics are compromised you cannot change them like you can do when your personal certificate (or password) is compromised. Biometric data are [...]