

BPM and SOA (posted by Fabien Villard)

We see more and more attention on relations between SOA and other parts of IT, with important questions like the one raised in the following blog post:

Relations between SOA and BPM is like relations between bass guitar and drums. They live separately and have their own rules, but they can produce great music together.

Praxeme establishes clearly the relations. Processes are part of the Pragmatic Aspect, describing complex relations between actors and the system. With the help of business objects and operations that are part of the Semantic Aspect, processes are then derived into the SOA architecture style which is an architectural choice operated via the Logical Aspect. This is summarized by the following diagram which is part of the Enterprise System Topology:

Upstream Aspects of the Enterprise System Topology

More informations on Praxeme and SOA:

One Response to “BPM and SOA”

  1. 1

    The dotted arrow from “Logical Aspect” to “Pragmatic aspect” allows and summarizes a dozen of derivation rules. Thanks to these rules, a portion of the logical architecture is populated almost automatically and with a guarantee of alignment.
    In this diagram, the package symbol stands for an aspect of the Enterprise System. The picture is an extract from the Enterprise System Topology, the methodological framework which is at the core of the Praxeme method. Regarding SOA, this picture shows that:
    * BPM is important as an input for an SOA design;
    * it is not enough: we need another starting point which lays in the semantic aspect, the place of the Business Objects.
    The semantic modeling approach greatly contributes to the success of the SOA appraoch, especially in case of an IT system overhaul.

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