

Desktop Application for Little Devices (posted by Fabien Villard)

A Praxeme Compliant Project Proposal

In Praxeme document collection, lies a course with a case study about Application or Services a very little device like PDA or Netbook could present to give a very enjoyable user experience.

Simple ideas may be great ideas and it’s the case here: the concept of many applications to manage rows in a file with a tight link between the application and the type of rows in the file is abandoned, you know: Contact application to manage contact, note application to manage notes, or Agenda application to manage meetings. Impossible to link correctly contacts and notes, or events and people you will meet there.

All this stuff is replaced by a collection of services designed from the beginning by a complete semantic model. You can start with a simple idea and write it down like a post-it note. Then the idea may become a work in progress, or a simple mail to exchange the idea. Or both. Then the working document may be linked with people now interested in the idea. The working document may be included in a planned meeting as a logical link (versioning) or a physical link (it is now part of the meeting), and so on.

So What ?

There is this course in French with the case study also in French and I have a wish: take the all idea and make it real.

This could be done by a series of school works, internal practicing projects, personnal works and so on. All works would use Praxeme processes to guarantee the overall compliance with initial goals and the quality of the resulting product. All aspects would be covered and hence the product would be easily made with different technologies and frameworks. And all the code written would be made available under an Open Source license. Intermediate works like models and feedbacks from people involved would be integrated in the Praxeme documentation.

I’m searching a school program manager to discuss this idea.

All previous links are in french but if someone is interested we could start with a translation work using our resources and maybe some school resources like it is done with ENSA Rouen.

One Response to “Desktop Application for Little Devices”

  1. 1

    I designed this case study with the purpose of enlightening the difference between classical approach and a real object-oriented approach. On the way, it’s easy to discover how this approach can revolutionize our way of thinking and greatly improve ergonomics and quality of our software.

    My belief is that we no more refer to the object-oriented approach, we act as if it is so obvious, but we missed the novelties engraved in the object logic. The fact that programming language as Java are now of widespread usage does absolutely not imply that we understand this logic and that we make the most of it.

    Fabien’s project not only will provide us with a new kind of tools but also it will contribute to train new generations of developers and designers, the kind of skills the enterprises desperately need.

    Dominique Vauquier

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