

Dead Poets Society (posted by Fabien Villard)

This is one of my favorite movies.

Not for the poetry, I’m not very found of it. But for the main message: open-mindedness. When Prof. Keating climbs on the desk to explain how things that we know must be challenged by looking them from another point of view, I always have a special feeling of profound agreement. This idea is one of the reasons I on-boarded in the Praxeme initiative:

  • The initiative is itself another point of view: methodology seems to have been put aside for several years while other needs where becoming important concerns (best practices, processes, regulations pressures, client centric approaches, new technologies…).
  • The methodology is made to develop new points of view on things that are used to be considered invariants and stable.

And then there is this scene where three students start walking at there own rhythm and end in the precise same tempo with all other spectators applauding with the same frequency. And Keating (interpreted by Robin Williams) shows how we are all different and why we should assume our differences. The idea is not new, but the scene is funny and the message is rendered very clear.

Not to say that the scenario is very good, pictures and lights are well done and actors despite their youth are doing a great job.

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