

Méfiez-vous des imitations [fr]

Le Praxeme Institute respecte quelques principes forts dans ses travaux et Praxeme est l’expression même de ces principes. Au coeur de notre reflexion est la rigueur. Certains pourront trouver à redire à cette ambition qui peut être perçue comme désuète et old fashion. Ce serait oublier que nos systèmes aujourd’hui sont souvent au point de [...]

Raw data may not be enough

A very interesting thought about mental models in companies and administrations : In all cases depicted by the author, raw data are important, either as a starting point or as a final concern. This is also related to the huge growth a volumes available from the inside and from the outside. Today some amazing [...]

New UIs need semantic approache and Open Business Concepts

In the past months I’ve seen amazing demos of futur UI devices that are studied and prototyped in labs. The last one was this one, very impressive because it mimics nearly exactly the UI found in the movie Minority Report which became a must-have for a lot of geeks *and* non-geeks. This one is [...]

IT Projects failures and Risk Management

Masters of Disaster Here is a very enlightening paper from Wharton’s Risk Management and Decision Processes Center: IT projects fall in the same behavior: Quote: “a psychological bias toward short-term maximization instead of long-term planning—a psychological bias all humans share”. IT Project: short ROIs, code before design and architecture, intuition instead of analytical thinking, [...]

The Unfinished Conversation Concept in Maemo 5

Maemo 5 Maemo is the framework used in Nokia Internet tablets since the N770, and today in the N900 phone which combines a cellular phone and an Internet tablet. Though I’m very found of this little thing that starts to look like the Star Trek communicator I wanted when I was a kid (except for [...]

About Sir Ken Robinson talk “Bring on the learning revolution!”

An amazing, and funny, TED talk from Feb 2010 “Innovation is hard because it means doing something that people don’t find very easy for the most part. It means challenging what we take for granted, things that we think are obvious. The great problem for reform or transformation is the tirany of common sense. [...] [...]

PxFAQ: How Can I Contribute?

I remind you all that Praxeme is an Open Initiative and ***needs you***. You can contribute in a number of ways: Take a responsibility in one of the domains Praxeme is lacking material, and either produce material or manage a work-group to produce it. This activity requires to have a rather good understanding of the [...]

Wiki: a powerful tool for scoping aspect

See notes at the end of the post Scoping The scoping aspect (also known as politics aspect) is the pre-modeling concern before real modeling efforts of the upstream aspects (semantic, pragmatic and geographic). This is where we gather all raw material from very diverse sources including (but not limited to) enterprise and business strategies, business [...]

PxFAQ – Why are CRUD operations generaly located in Set Business Logical Machines?

Related questions: Why separate Elementary and Set machines/operations? Would it be interesting to add a CRUD Business Logical Machine next to the Elementary and Set ones? It is clear that we are considering things in the Logical Aspect and that no justifications will come from Technical Aspect. First shot CRUD operations are not high level [...]

Praxeme and Complex Systems

This is a follow-up to a conversation that started during the meeting of the “Collège des contributeurs” last week. Although I do not have the time to post a proper discussion, I’ll start with a few headlines to “get the ball rolling” : start a discussion. Hence I’ll use an “outine style” and leave the [...]